Suppressing Space & Zero into date formating

TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'Month,YYYY')Result: 'July ,2016'TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'FMMonth,YYYY')Result: 'July,2016'TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'Month DD, YYYY')Result: 'July 09, 2016'TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'FMMonth DD, YYYY')Result: 'July 9, 2016'See into above examples, when we use FM into format_mask parameter it removing/suppress the space and zero. If you use MON it won't has space, but if using Month is will be returning...

Bugs Fixed in the Oracle APEX

Bugs Fixed in the Oracle APEX Patch SetTable 1 lists bugs fixed in the Oracle Application Express patch set.Table 1 Bugs Fixed in the Oracle Application Express Patch SetBug NumberDescription21437474Intermittent bug with Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop uploads - random errors21517239Reopen cancelled modal dialog in Internet Explorer 11...

ORACLE APEX is released

Oracle Application Express Release was first released on July 12, 2016.This is a cumulative patch set for Application Express 5.0.0, Application Express 5.0.1, Application Express 5.0.2, and Application Express 5.0.3. The full download is available below.English only : Download All Languages : Download

What is new in Oracle APEX 5.0.4

APEX Viewsgot an improved security check. They now look for read privilege on the apex-admin-role instead of full admin privileges.APEX_DEBUG_MESSAGES finally lists the Call Stack where a message was written (level 9 debug, only)new View APEX_INSTANCE_PARAMETERSAPEX Admin Read Rolenew Role / Function to give more detailed access to APEX API functions and...

APEX 5.1 How to manually process Interactive Grid data using PL/SQL

if you want to execute your own insert/update/delete or PL/SQL api calls for all the modified rows of an Interactive Grid you can do this with the "Save Interactive Grid Data / Interactive Grid Automatic Row Processing (DML)" process which gets automatically created when you make an Interactive Grid editable.Here...